On Procrastination

Well… this has to be the most appropriate start of all, since it took me maybe a year to put this first post out on this blog.

This was also partly driven by a post I read on Medium (link and excerpts):

Laziness does not exist

“what are the barriers to action that I can’t see?”

“It’s really helpful to respond to a person’s ineffective behavior with curiosity rather than judgment.”

“People do not choose to fail or disappoint. “

“In fact, procrastination is more likely when the task is meaningful and the individual cares about doing it well.

First reaction:


Fear. Worry. Uncertainty.

These tangle up in the mind and trip us up. Make something simple insurmountable. Something that should take five minutes to complete takes weeks instead.

But sometimes all it takes is a start. Sometimes all you need is to not have a blank page.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly.”

Another quote (I forget where) that perfectly complements the previous, and is something I constantly have to remind myself. Something I have successfully done in the past but still struggle with.

Just do it.

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